The AHA, Inc. Reimbursement Committee has put together resources for AHA, Inc. members to use when addressing reimbursement related issues pertaining to hippotherapy incorporated into standard occupational therapy, physical therapy or speech-language therapy treatment.  The contents of this kit are intended to provide clarification and education to both AHA, Inc. members and third-party payers about the inclusion of equine movement into therapy.

Each AHA, Inc. member assumes responsibility for professionalism when utilizing the contents of this resource kit.  The contents are designed so that specific documents may be shared with appropriate parties electronically or may be printed out as hard copies.  


Clarification for Third Party Payers

AHA, Inc. coding and billing position

AOTA, ASHA and APTA Letters

Reimbursement Committee Contact: Ruth Dismuke-Blakely, MS/CCC-SLP, HPCS  [email protected]